AMP Virtual Art Gallery
Instructions for Performers
Step 1: Choose a piece that inspires you to perform or choose a piece that "speaks" to a performance you have already created. Be sure to note the Number and Title of the visual art piece you choose.
Step 2: Complete a Performance Art Application and turn in to Lifeways
Step 3: Practice!
Step 4: Attend Dress Rehearsal on March 8 at 5:00pm
Step 5: Arrive at event on March 9 at 5:00pm and be ready to start receiving applause at 6:00pm when event begins!
Step 2: Complete a Performance Art Application and turn in to Lifeways
Step 3: Practice!
Step 4: Attend Dress Rehearsal on March 8 at 5:00pm
Step 5: Arrive at event on March 9 at 5:00pm and be ready to start receiving applause at 6:00pm when event begins!